Upload a File for a Quiz

Upload a File for a Quiz

You can Upload a File (CSV) from the question library with your quiz questions.

  1. In Question Library, click Import.
  2. From the Import button, select Upload a File.
  3. Download the file template to begin creating your questions; click the Download Template CSV link and Save the file on your computer. You must follow the formatting, the file contains examples for all question types, and you can delete and duplicate as required.
  4. From the Upload, a File Window, select the source where existing questions reside by clicking Browse and selecting the file or dragging and dropping the selected file into the Upload a File Window.
  5. Once the file finishes importing, view the uploaded questions in the Upload a File window.
  6. To import all the questions from the upload, click Import All. To import select questions from the file upload, select the questions you want to upload and click Import.

For an example of the excel file, see the link above for the actual template.