Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor


Sheridan College uses Respondus LockDown Browser + Respondus Monitor as a digital exam proctoring tool.  

Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a web browser that adds a layer of security to an online testing environment. It restricts student access to other browsers, applications, or any external resources until the exam is completed and submitted for grading.

Respondus Monitor (RM) is a complementary tool to the Respondus Lockdown Browser. It requires students to take online exams using a webcam and microphone with the LockDown Browser. Please visit How Respondus Monitor Works to learn more about it.

What it does:

  • It prevents access to other applications, including messaging (web and desktop), screen-sharing, and remote desktops.
  • Prevents printing and screen capture functions.
  • It restricts access to search engines, browsers, and other digital resources. It also restricts copying and pasting to or from an assessment within SLATE.
  • Restricts right-click menu options, function keys, keyboard shortcuts, task switching, switching desktops, or any swipe gesture.


Although Respondus Lockdown Browser (with and without Monitor) is a powerful tool based on powerful analytics running behind the scenes, it’s not a complete, standalone solution for quizzes or exams being delivered remotely.

Respondus LockDown Browser (with and without Monitor) is intended to be used as an additional layer of security in addition to instructor proctoring and good assessment design practices. Instructors need to understand its limitations to use it effectively.

  • The LDB can regulate student computers, such as swiping or initiating other programs. However, it cannot manage the devices physically connected to the computer.
  • Additional physical resources can potentially be sources of academic breach:
    • Smartphone and/or tablet
    • Second monitor and/or computer
    • An individual outside of the webcam’s view providing unauthorized support
    • Handwritten notes, textbooks, and other non-web-based resources

Therefore, it is recommended not to use LDB as your sole solution to ensure the academic integrity of your exams.

Getting Started with the Lockdown Browser

Instructor and Student Guide

The following is an instructor guide to help incorporate Respondus to assessment strategies and provide recommendations for setting it up in SLATE.

The following is a student guide on setting up, supporting, and policies for using Respondus. Instructors are highly recommended to share and familiarize themselves with the student guide.

Other Useful Links