What is a Form?
A form template is a customizable, structured interface for users to enter information. When you create a form template, you specify the appearance of the form and the types of information users can enter.
When created in an individual course, forms do not copy between courses when using the Import / Export / Copy Components tool.
There are two options available for publishing forms:
- You can export the form from one section, import it to another section and then make the form available to that course or,
- You can submit a request to move the form to the Organization level. When forms are imported at the Form Repository the form becomes available to all SLATE users and you are provided with a link to the form that will not break when you copy between courses.
Click here for instructions on manually exporting and importing forms. If you are interested in moving forms to the Form Repository please follow the instructions below on adding a new form to the repository.
Adding a New Form to the Repository:
Step One: Create the Form in a Course
Step Two: Export the Form as a .zip package:
- Within the course where the forms reside click on Edit Course.
- Select Forms from the Course Administration page.
- Click on the checkboxes beside the forms you want to export.
- Click on the Export
- A pop-up window will appear. When the export folder is ready you can click on the link to download the zip folder. Save this folder to your computer.
If you are revising an existing form:
Indicate this is a replacement of an existing form. Include the course name, section number and specific location where the form currently resides. If the form resides in multiple courses / sections please include the name(s) of faculty that are teaching. All faculty must be aware that the change is taking place as it will impact their individual sections. When sending the request please cc the other faculty members.
Please note, prior to completing the below form please make sure you create a document that clearly outlines the changes to the existing form.
Request for adding/revising a form in the repository:
Requests for new forms and form revisions must be received 3 weeks prior to the semester start date.
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