Adding Course Results

 Note: You can only import course results for current courses.  Previous semester offerings will not appear in the course list.


  • Within ePortfolio click My Items. 
  • Click Add 
  • From the drop-down menu select Course Results. 
  • On the Add Artifact page select the course you want to import results from by clicking on the course name.
  •  Under the ‘Select Course Results’ heading select the checkboxes beside the results you want to import.
  • Click Next. 



  • An artifact will be created for each course result that is being imported into ePortfolio.
  •  You can change the name of the artifacts and provide a description.  For dropbox results you can also select to include the files submitted to the folder.
  • Create tags or add existing tags to help identify the collection.
Tags are words you associate with an object (artifact, collection, etc.) to make items easier to find. You can search for items with specific tags.
  • Click Save.