Course Overview Widget (Insights)

The Course Overview widget includes easy-to-use visualizations that provide a complete, near-real-time picture of learners across SLATE. This allows you to track, measure, and monitor learner progress and help promote engagement during their learning journey.

This tool is the first step toward comprehensive analytics in SLATE that will eventually allow for data mining and reporting of the online learning environment.

The Course Overview widget is added to all the default SLATE course homepages. If your course has a custom homepage, you must manually add the widget to your homepage.

The widget displays high-level aggregate information about the course and links to course-specific SLATE reports. For example, the widget can visualize weekly course access and how many learners submitted quizzes today. It provides three links to view:

  • Class Engagement: use this report to view student activity, progress, and achievement in a course. The intuitive interface contains filtering, sorting, and searching capabilities, allowing you to easily identify top performers and students that might be at risk.

  • Course Access: use this report to understand better the number of users who accessed a course on each day over a selected date range.

  • Tool Access: use this report to better understand user engagement with course tools in a single course. This is useful for understanding learner engagement with course tools, for example, how many enrolled learners use the discussion tool for a course.