How to use Copyleaks in SLATE
To use Copyleaks in SLATE we will create a module and enable Copyleaks through the Content section. Currently, there is no option to activate Copyleaks directly in an assignment folder within SLATE.
Add Copyleaks Assignment Tool
- Navigate to Content on the nav bar and create a new Module
- Click the newly created module and click Existing Activities
- Select the Copyleaks Assignment tool

- Fill in the details of your new assignment
- Assignment Title (required)
- Description (optional)
- If applicable, Add Attachments for students and Answer Sheets for instructors
- General Settings
- Due date – military time
- Max Grade – point value keeping consistent with gradebook and rubric points
- Max Attempts – limits the number of times a student can make changes after submitting
- Max files allowed – limits the number of files a student can submit to the assignment
- Allow submission via text editor – permits a student to submit text file instead of uploading a file
- Scan Settings
- Change Scan settings – opens in new window
- Schedule – must be configured strictly at time of assignment creation and cannot be changed after
- Due date
- Upon submission
- Expose Originality Report – toggle on of off
- Add to Gradebook – must be configured strictly at time of assignment creation and cannot be changed after
- Save Scan Settings and then Press Submit Assignment

Scan Settings
- Click on Change Scan Settings to customize options:
- General Settings
- Scan Internal database – instructor has the ability to uncheck this box so that papers are not stored in the database
- Student Privacy Settings
- Student Moderation
- Show AI Content Detector – allows you to choose if students can see AI results
- Show Writing Assistant – if students can see writing corrections
- Show Plagiarism Detection – allows you to choose if students can see plagiarism results
- Student Moderation
- Exclude Template – option to upload a file that is being used as a template to exclude it from the plagiarism equation.
- Scan Settings
- AI Detection – ability to toggle on or off based on need
- Plagiarism Detection – ability to toggle on or off based on need
- Source – ability to include/exclude sources
- General Settings
If you want specific sources to be excluded from your scan, select the Exclude Sources option. If you want specific sources to be the only sources included in your scan, select the Include Sources option.

Filter – Focused results: ability to see the top results of identical, similar, and paraphrased content. You will only see the most relevant match results. Results with the highest percentage of similarity will be shown. The accuracy slider can be used to customize results

Cross Language – the ability to specify the additional language in which you would like to scan for results

- Security Measures
- Safe Search – the ability to eliminate any possibility of adult or violent content from appearing; they will not appear in the search results
Recommended for an educational setting
- Hide Sensitive Data – toggle on or off to hide important information like driver’s licenses, email addresses, telephone numbers and other credentials
- Character Manipulation – An Advanced Detection Alert will appear to identify an abnormality in a submitted document. These abnormalities are found due to a student’s efforts to cheat or “fool” the scan. The three forms of cheating that Copyleaks can detect are called Character Replacement, Invisible Text and Major Text Exclusion.
Recommended for an educational setting
Please note that these alerts are intended as a flag for possible intentional cheating. Documents should always be reviewed before confirmation of cheating and discussion with your student(s)

Omit – the ability to exclude components from the plagiarism detector

Once the assignment is made available to the class, students will see the details of the assignment in Content, in the specific module. Please ensure the module or assignment is visible to users
Accessing the Report
After a student has submitted a file, the instructor will be able to see it in their assignment view. Instructors are then able to download, scan, and grade the student’s submission. The assignment is linked to the gradebook and once graded is reflected in the gradebook. There is also a “Scan All” Button to scan all submissions in one click. If the assignments are not manually scanned, by the due date, they will be automatically scanned.
- A scan is in progress, an indicator will be visible.
- If the scan is complete, the indicator will be visible and display the plagiarism score.
- When clicking on the plagiarism score, the user will be redirected to the report