Add Restrictions to a Quiz
Understand Date Restrictions
Quiz restrictions allow instructors to set start dates, due dates, and end dates on their quizzes. The start date determines when a quiz becomes available to learners. The end date determines when a quiz becomes unavailable to learners. The due date specifies a time when a quiz is expected to be completed. A quiz is considered late if it is submitted after the due date is reached. If a quiz has an enforced time limit and the learner uses more than the allotted time, the quiz is marked as exceeded time limit.
Set up Availability Dates & Conditions
Set a time frame for when the quiz is available and create conditions for accessing the quiz.
To set availability and conditions
- From the New Quiz page, click to expand the Availability Dates & Conditions drop-down menu.
Figure: The Availability Dates & Conditions drop-down menu.
- Customize the following:
- Start Date: Specify the date when your quiz becomes available to learners.
- End Date: Specify the date when your quiz is no longer available.
- Add availability dates to Calendar: Select the checkbox to add quiz availability dates to your course Calendar. Learners will see the quiz availability dates in their Calendar. Calendar events are generated as the following:
- If the Start Date and End Date are set, an End Date event is created.
- If the Start Date is set, a Start Date event is created.
- If the End Date is set, an End Date event is created.
- Release Conditions: Only allow learners to access the quiz if they meet its release conditions, or requirements. Click Add Release Conditions and then Create New or Add Existing. For example, you can create a release condition that only lets learners view the quiz after they complete a specific module.
- Special Access: Makes the quiz available to select groups of learners or you can create individualized due dates and customize the timing settings for certain learners.
- Click Manage Special Access to set the conditions.
- Select the desired option and click Add Users to Special Access.
Figure: Click the Add Users to Special Access button in the Special Access settings window.
- Specify Properties: Due and Availability Dates.
- Set the Timing options.
Figure: Set the Timing options in the Special Access settings section.
- Set the Attempts options.
- Select users to Special Access.
- Click Save.
- Password: Only learners who enter the password can access the quiz to write it.
- IP Restrictions: Only learners with the IP addresses that you define can access the quiz.
- If you have completed customizing your quiz, click Save and Close.
Availability dates and conditions are saved for your quiz.
Set up Timing & Display
You can create a time limit for your quiz if needed and set up how the quiz displays to learners.
To set a time limit
If you do not want to set a time limit, do not select the Set time limit option. To set a time limit and enter the length of time for the quiz, follow the instructions below.
- From the New Quiz page, click to expand the Timing & Display drop-down menu.
- Select Set time limit.
- In the Time Limit field, specify the length of time for the quiz in minutes.
- Click Timer Settings and do one of the following.
- If you want to automatically submit the quiz when the time limit is exceeded, select Automatically submit quiz attempt.
- If you want learners to be able to continue working after the time limit, select Flag as time limit exceeded and allow the learner to continue working.
- If you do not want to enforce the time limit, select Do nothing: the time limit is not enforced.
Figure: Select the desired Timer Settings.
- If you have completed customizing your quiz, click Save and Close.
To set quiz display options
- From the New Quiz page, click to expand the Timing & Display drop-down menu.
- Configure the following:
- Paging: Choose how questions are displayed on the quiz.
- Shuffle Quiz: To shuffle quiz questions and sections, select Shuffle Quiz.
- Display:
- To disable separate types of notifications, select Disable Email, Instant Messages, and Alerts within Brightspace.
- To show your quiz hints, select Allow Hints.
- Header and Footer: Click Manage Header and Footer to create a header or footer for your quiz.
Figure: Select the desired display settings.
- If you have completed customizing your quiz, click Save and Close.
Timing and display settings are set for your quiz.
Set up Attempts & Completion
Configure the number of quiz attempts and manage how you track learners’ quiz completion.
To set up attempts and completion

- From the New Quiz page, click to expand the Attempts & Completion drop-down menu.
- Customize the following:
- Attempts: Click Manage Attempts to set how many times a learner can take a quiz.
- Category: Select a category for your quiz from the drop-down menu.
- Notification Email: Enter email addresses for notification emails when a learner completes a quiz.
- Completion Tracking: Click Manage Completion Tracking to set when a learner is considered to have completed the quiz.
- If you have completed customizing your quiz, click Save and Close.
Attempts and completion settings are set for your quiz.
Set up Evaluation & Feedback
You can add assessment options to your quizzes to share attempt feedback and results using Evaluation & Feedback settings. This enables you to display quiz results upon completion and associating quizzes to grade items for the purposes of summative assessment.
To set up quiz results and feedback
- From the New Quiz page, click to expand the Evaluation & Feedback drop-down menu.
- Customize the following:
- Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion: Publish quiz results for learners immediately after they complete the quiz.
- Synchronize to grade book on publish: Sync this quiz’s grades to Grade Book. The option is grayed if you have not set up Grade Book.
- When published, display to learners: Click Attempt grade to display learners’ attempt grade. Click the question display drop-down menu to select which questions are displayed to learners after publishing the quiz.
- Customize Quiz Results Display: Create a custom dialog for learners after they finish their quiz. You can customize the Primary View that will appear immediately after learners complete their quiz and a Secondary View that will appear later based on a date set by you.
- Learning Objectives: Click Manage Learning Objectives to associate learning objectives with your quiz.
- If you have completed customizing your quiz, click Save and Close.

Evaluation and feedback settings are saved for your quiz.
Effective July 2023, New Quiz Timing Updates
Quiz Timing Change | Behavior before the Update | Behavior after the Update |
Grace Period (available in the Quiz Time Settings) | Learners have the Quiz Time Limit + Grace Period. | The Grace Period is being deprecated. Learners have the Quiz time limit only to take the quiz. |
Time Limit Exceeded – Allow learner to continue working, but score 0 | Learners that continue after the time limit expires receive 0. | Changes to the auto-submit mean that the quiz is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit. |
Time Limit Exceeded – Prevent learner from continuing | At the end of the Time Limit, the quiz attempt remains unsubmitted (the learner is prevented from further quiz entry). | Changes to the auto-submit mean that the quiz is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit. |
Learner timer warnings during the Quiz | The learner did not have time warnings. | The new Timer Warnings mean that the learners now have time warnings. |
Show/Hide clock during the Quiz | Learner could not hide the quiz timer. | The new Show/Hide clock feature means that learners can hide the quiz timer. |
Quiz information link availability during the quiz | Learners had to exit the quiz to view the Quiz information provided on the Quiz start page. | A new link is available to access Quiz information on the Quiz start page during the quiz. |