Respondus LockDown Browser: Student Guide

How to Prepare for an Exam with LockDown Browser

Step 1:  Make Sure Your Browser is Updated

Please visit the following links based on OS:

We recommend using Chrome.

Please install the latest version of Lockdown Browser on your computer well before your exam. Also, ensure your laptop meets the college’s computing requirements (Computing Requirements).

Step 2: Lockdown Browser Installation and Update

Step 3: Prepare your Environment

Note: The LockDown Browser will prevent you from accessing other websites or applications. You cannot exit the quiz until you have completed and submitted all questions.

  • Before taking the exam, complete a practice quiz set up by your instructor if they have made one available. This step will allow you to identify and address any potential issues before your exam, ensuring a smooth experience during the actual exam.
  • Ensure you’re in a quiet location where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Remember to power off all mobile devices and other wearable technology.
  • Clear your desk of all external materials, including books, papers, other computers, or devices.
  • Remain at your desk or workstation for the duration of the test.
  • If you are taking an in-class exam, run the System Check if your instructor asks you to.

If you encounter any issues during the Startup sequence or have trouble with your microphone or webcam, visit the Lockdown Browser Help Centre.

Respondus LockDown Browser Policies

Technical Specifications and Resources

Computer Requirements:

Visit Sheridan IT‘s Computing Requirements page to view the computing requirements for your Program.

To find the computing requirements, visit the Respondus LockDown Browser Computing Requirements for Installation page.

Bandwidth: For the requirements, visit the Respondus Bandwidth Page.


Visit the Accessibility with Respondus page for more information about how LockDown Browser meets web content accessibility requirements and how it works with assistive technologies.

Escalation and Support

Support Before/During Exam

For any quiz-related issues:

  1. If you encounter an issue with the lockdown browser, try restarting your computer. If you still have allotted time for the exam, restarting it should not be a problem.
  2. Immediately notify your instructor with details. Be sure to collect as much information as possible about the issue and attach it to your email.
  3. Work with your instructor to arrange an extension or an alternative solution to address the challenge.

Technical Issues

Important Changes in Technical Support During an Exam

  • If the issue persists and you need help, contact the Sheridan IT Service Desk (Mon -Fri from 7 a.m.–10 p.m. EST). Please note that the Sheridan Service Desk can provide limited support over the phone.
  • To escalate the issue, we recommend the next steps.
    1. Have Sheridan’s on-site IT staff check your laptop to troubleshoot the issue (Mon-Fri, 8 AM—5 AM EST).
    2. Request a Sheridan loaner laptop (subject to availability).
    3. You can also visit the Respondus Support page to see if any articles apply, and if you still have issues, submit a Respondus Support Ticket. (24×7).

Note: If none of the above is possible, you will need to arrange for another laptop or device that matches Sheridan’s system requirements to do your exam.

Updated: July 17, 2024